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Second generation characters [Logged in view]
2016-08-19 02:13:27
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Undead Zoo! Good second gen characters
Classes are; Blade (Use daggers, knives, throwing stars etc.), Reapers (Uses scythes and axes), Sword fighter (it's in the name), Gunner (Again in the name), Hand to hand fighter, Tech (explosives, those stand up gun things ect), gypsy (use war fans or music instrument (ask) when using instruments it can be affected by your characters ability) and The given (Uses abilities they're born with). Double class is allowed but your character must be weaker in one.
Races are; Human (should be most common), Angel,demon, Werewolf/cat/Rabbit, Vampire, Vampire S, ZOMBIES! Traveler (A race from the Eternal Plains. It's a person who exists in another dimension, but is like a spirit to this one) & Aliens......Robots (ask)
Note: Humans may also have an unusual abilities due to the virus, please talk to me the ability before adding it.
Format to use:
User Name:[]
Character name:
Character item:
User Name: [Kbird]
Character name: Yuki
Age: 25
Race: Vampire S.
Class: gunner/ hand to hand better with hands.
Abilities: to come
History: to come
Personality: It's Yuki....he's a sweet heart, but is a bad person to have as a enemy.
Character item: Mr. glares....although Mr. glares usually is hidden. And his necklace, black jacket, and boots.
User Name: [ancienteye]
Character name: Sean
Age: 25
Race: Vampire
Class: Reaper?
Abilities: Strategic skills and sarcasm.
History: Sean lost his parents at an early age and was raised by his uncle, Orson, who told and taught Sean all kinds of things that weren't true. Sean wisened up eventually.
Personality: Read abilities. XD
Character item: A bo staff.
User Name: [Kbird]
Character name: Conner Finley
Age: 22
Race: Zombie
Class: Tech.
Abilities: Ummm tinkering? lol
History: Conner was turned into a Zombie eight years ago, he was weak from hunger and wasn't able to run & fighting turned out to be pointless. He struggled with is new 'Zombie instincts' for two more year , before the government found and helped him over come those instincts. He loves making things for the government he's also quite good at it.
Personality: Conner is..well like David in a lot of ways actually :/ but he does like to mess with people to get a reaction, and loves teasing, but when serious he often is straight forward and harsh.
Character item: gaggles, and gears * wires that he keeps in his pocket.
User Name: [Kbird]
Character name: =____________= not telling~
Age: blah,blah numbers
Race: humanish
Class: hand-to-hand and gunner.(better hand-to-hand)
Abilities: none that he knows of.
History: hehehe
Personality: Caring ,sweet , kind, playful, slightly mischievous but he does seem depressed and out of touch sometimes.
Character item: his guns, dog tags, a picture, and the sweater/coat he steal.
User Name: [~Crimson Angel~]
Character name: Alexander Thorn
Age: 33
Race: Werewolf
Class: Blade
Abilities: He can telepathically control daggers and other weapons for a limited amount of time, if he does it for too long he gets weak and tired and needs to rest.
History: He lost both of his parents when he was just three years old and was abused physically and verbally by his female guardian, he would often run away to see his friend Charles who was a lot older and like a brother to him. When Alexander was 10 he and his guardian were attacked by another werewolf which killed his guardian and had him cornered and was about to kill him, but Charles saw what happened and rushed in giving up his own life as a distraction so Alexander could escape. Jace is his half brother.
Personality: In battle he's serious and a badass smart alec, but when he's relaxed and with friends he's a prankster and he's still a smart alec, but he has a soft side when it comes to children.
Character item: He wears a necklace that his half brother Jace gave him the day he graduated, he wears a large black leather bracelet on his right wrist, an earring in his left ear that he wears because Meko picked it out, two rings he wears on his left thumb and index finger and a black leather sleeveless jacket that Meko gave him.
User Name: [~Crimson Angel~]
Character name: Alamar
Age: 23
Race: Vampire
Class: Gunner
Abilities: He is an excellent gunner and can shoot with perfect precision even from 100 yards away which makes him an excellent sniper on a mission.
History: Alamar is an only child because it was difficult for his mother to get pregnant, she almost died giving birth to him and has always been pretty weak ever since and couldn't really take care of him by herself when he was three years old she finally grew to weak to move and died shortly afterwards causing her husband to go insane with grief and disappearing leaving Alamar alone. Alamar was wandering the streets when he was found by a soldier who took pity on him and brought him back with her to the military base and adopted him.
Personality: He is kind, caring and loving, but mostly only shows that side to Momo. When he's in mission mode he is serious and focused.
Character item: His sniper rifle and a black and red pistol with a rose on the grip.
User Name: [~Crimson Angel~]
Character name: Jake (Left) and Isaac (Right)
Age: Jake is 21 and Isaac is 19
Race: Humans
Class: Jake is a blade and Isaac is a hand-to-hand fighter
Abilities: Jake can throw a blade from 100 feet away and always hit his target, but if it's any further than that he doesn't always hit what he's aiming for. Isaac is really strong, fast and agile which makes him an excellent fighter.
History: Jake and Isaac's dad was killed protecting his wife and children from zombies shortly after Isaac was born. Jake and Isaac's mother could only find one job and could barely afford food for them all and would give most of her food to Jake and Isaac, when she took in Alex and he found out he went out and got a job to help her out. Their mother got sick from years of malnutrition and over working to provide for her children, a year after she was taking to the facility she grew weak again and died. Isaac got the scar over his left eye from an accident during a sparing match with his older brother.
Personality: Artemis is kind, caring, outgoing and talkative, he's also very overprotective of his younger brother Sean. Sean is kind, caring and quite shy, but not as shy as he used to be, he now talks a bit more.
Character item: Jake always wears a black necklace, a glove with only the middle finger that has a ring attached to it, and three black bracelets on his right arm. Isaac has three earrings in his right ear, and wears fingerless bandages as a glove on his left arm.
User Name: [~Crimson Angel~]
Character name: Yanagi
Age: 17
Race: Mutant
Class: Given
Abilities: He can speak with plants and can make vines come out of his wrists and use them as weapons.
History: Yanagi's mother was a scientist at a lab that did top secret illegal experiments she agreed to be the host of a new experiment and became pregnant another scientist gave her a 'tonic' to drink every morning and evening when she first found out she was pregnant, but never told her what was inside it. Due to this 'tonic' Yanagi is half human and half plant, his appearance is that of a human, but he needs to drink more water than the average person and needs more sun light. Yanagi's mother died while giving birth to him and when he was a month old the other scientists began to experiment on him and putting him through difficult obstacle courses to try and train him to be a killing machine, they also tested his blood often to see if they could harness his DNA and make clones, but the clones would die shortly after being 'born'. The scientists sent him to a regular school that was protected by soldier, but since he was an experiment he was bullied by the other kids particularly by a boy named Jase. He was also tortured by a particular scientist that loved to cut him and leave scars on his body. Yanagi wanted to run away so he got excused from class to go to the bathroom and crawled out of the bathroom window.
Personality: Yanagi is shy, withdrawn and a bit naive. He tends to stay away from 'scary looking' people and doesn't really know much about the outside world.
Character item: A necklace he made himself.
Yanagi is the one in front, the boy behind him is Jase, the boy who bullies him.
User Name: [ancienteye]
Character name: Scotty
Age: 16
Race: Werewolf
Class: hand-to-hand & blade *better with Hand-to-hand*
Personality: Mix Anna's temper and mischievous side with Jace's caring a serious side through in some sass and witty remarks and flirtness and ta-da~
Character item:

User Name:[Kbird]
Character name: Clone Luki
Age: technically fourteen
Race: S vampire
Class: Swordsman and given better with sword for now
Abilities: soul vamp abilities.
History: It took Yue and Soron a little while to convince the heads to let them try cloning Luki using Yuki's DNA, it took even longer to get a vessel that could remain stable and handle being a S vampire. When he finally was made he of course had no memories or personality of Lukis, oddly enough he acts a lot like Luki did before he went insane.
Personality: Kinda of shy but very sweet and helpful, seriously this guy would not hurt a fly unless it was endangering someone. He also really like Yuki much to Yuki's discomfort.
Character item: none.

User Name: [Kbird]
Character name: Lucie Collins
Age: 26
Race: Human
Class: gunner
Abilities: Can temporarily slow time.
History: Lucie was one of the only survivors of an attack on her town when she was nine. the soldier that arrived found her in her home with a shot gun aimed towards the door, her parents bodies just feet away and her younger sister hiding behind her. She was taken to the facility with the other survivors and began training almost immediately. She's a good fighter but tries to hard to rank up, and sometimes ends up going into a battle to soon.
Personality: she is head strong and loud, she also comes a crossed blunt and sarcastic. She has a slight temper especially when it comes to someone messing with her sister.
Character item: the shot gun from her childhood and her parents wedding rings.
User Name: [Kbird]
Character name: Susie Collins (Not related to Collin from the other game!!)
Age: 20
Race: human
Class: blade
Abilities: temporary invisibility
History: Lucie fallowed the parents orders to protect Susie during their town destruction, Susie hated remember what happened to their home and family so she went through training to become a spy for the government.
Personality: She is very much the free spirit and prankster. She hates being babied or looked down on (manly because she hates being helpless due to her paste), if she's going to train she's training with a boy. She usually doesn't get along with her sister to well.
Character item: her hat,coat,sweaters, boots and a family photo.
User Name: [ancienteye]
Character name: Fuyu
Age: 21, nearly 22
Race: Werecat
Class: Hand-to-hand
Abilities: Stealth, flexibility, and a fundamental knowledge of anatomy that she doesn't know the vocabulary for.
Personality: A compulsive liar who tends to be territorial/competitive around people of similar skills and/or personalities.
Character item: A collar from her aunt that's supposed to be for good luck.
User Name: [Kbird]
Character name: Rose
Age: 21
Race: Werewolf
Class: given/ hand-to-hand
Abilities: none
History: to come
Personality: she's full of herself, a constants liar, a one upper, and tries to avoid putting-up-or-shutting-up, but in battle she proves to be a good ally.
Character item:
User Name: [~Crimson Angel~]
Character name: Abigail
Age: 22
Race: Human
Class: Gunner and hand-to-hand fighter.
Abilities: She can shoot with perfect precision and she's a great hand-to-hand fighter, but she's a better gunner.
History: Abigail's parents were attacked by a bloody thirsty werewolf while her mother was still pregnant with her, her father distracted it so her mother could get away. Her father managed to injure the werewolf causing it to retreat, but he was fatally wounded in the process and died in Abigail's mother's arms. Abigail's mother died while giving birth to her leaving her in the care of her grandfather.
Personality: Being around people who care for her really helped her come out of her shell, she used to be shy and timid. Now, however, she is outgoing, sweet and caring, but she still doesn't trust people easily.
Character item: Two black and silver pistols.
User Name: [~Crimson Angel~]
Character name: Momo
Age: 23
Race: Human
Class: Hand-to-hand fighter
Abilities: Momo may look small and defenseless, but she's actually really strong and can beat up a man twice her size so she uses that to her advantage.
History: Momo's parents died when she was one years old and since she couldn't understand what happened to her parents and to explain they're absence she always tells other people that they are away on missions. Her older sister Hana takes care of her and let her believe they were alive all those years in an attempt to not cause her any pain or suffering.
Personality: She's really sweet, loving and caring and she absolutely loves sweets and will do anything for her friends.
Character item: She always has a bag of candy on her and she's always wearing a grey and purple hat that Alamar gave her for her 23rd birthday.
User Name: []
Character name: Kelsey ()
Age: 16
Race: Human
Class: Gypsy/ reaper
Abilities: when she uses her keyboard, guitar or flute she can create an illusion while she plays or disorient people.
Personality: Very Loud, optimistic, and hyper. She's always happy go lucky and, probably would make a great cheerleader. She's easily upset, but forgets rather quickly why she was angry.
Character item: A keyboard, flute, backpack, necklace, and always wears a baggy shirt with a skirt & shorts underneath.
User Name:[kb]
Character name: Grace McNally
Age: 18
Race: Human
Class: Healer/ tech (better at tech do to her lack of training)
Abilities: Healing, when she heals she feels how the person felt when they got the wound & lavation. (Not very good with lavation though)
History: Grace lived peacefully in her home town, unaware of any danger. until she was 16 when some government agents came to recruit, her town Mayor (her uncle) claimed it was just fear tactics and that she'd be returned soon, but she wasn't. She's gone through training to became a soldier.
Personality: extremely shy and distrustful, she cares deeply about her patents though. She gets easily confused and tends to over think things, she also very clumsy and naïve.
Character item: a necklace her parents gave her before she was taken.
User Name:[KbRiD]
Character name:
Age: 18 or 19
Race: Alien
Class: Given
Abilities: She can heal people and calm then. She can also restore memories. But if the wounds are big or she's restored memories she gets tired and usually passes out.
History: to come.
Personality: spunky fun loving, playful, curious, loud, and quick to trust, also quite optimistic.
Character item: two lockets. black ribbon.

User Name:[Kbird]
Character name: Ariana
Age: 11
Race: Shrieker
Class: given.
History: she doesn't remember much from when she was alive. Her memories come and go. she was wondering around district three with other Zombies and shriekers until Curran "Saved her". Out of curiosity mainly, she stayed with him.
Personality: She's normally a sweet, curious, and slightly mischievous little girl, although she can get really stubborn and pouty when she doesn't get her way. But there are random times when she gets very aggressive and violent.
Character item: Heart hair band wit gold ribbon.

User Name:[Kbird]
Character name: Chasa
Age: 0.0 who knows~
Race: Alien
Class: Given/ Blade (hardly ever uses blade so she isn't very skilled)
Abilities: Wound absorption/Trade
Personality: Shy, Witty, and can be rather blunt, she usually doesn't speak much but when she does, although she doesn't mean to be, she can be rather mean with her bluntness, she's also slightly mischievous.
Character item: Witch hate, and two daggers.

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